My new Camera gear

Last week I bought my first ever DSLR. I searched a lot on model which suites for my budget and finally decided to settle in Nikon D5100. For the fast few weeks Nikon 5100 price went down due to some reason. So I thought of buying it without waiting anymore.
I got a bundle package with reasonable price from CameraLk. So my new camera gear is as follows.
  • Nikon D5100
  • Lens AF-S DX Zoom-NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR
  • Nikon Tripod
  • Nikon side bag
I’m waiting to do some experiments with the current gear and will definitely add more items to the list. I did some DSLR photography before using one of my friend camera. At that time I was amazed by photos generated by long exposure shots. I hope to do some experiment and stick to a specific area.


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