SharePoint 2010 environment upgrade guide

Sometime when we are solving SharePoint related problems or when SharePoint features not functioning properly as we expected we tend to search related to those issues. But after couple of forum posts and spending two there days searching when you found that that problem was due to a SharePoint upgrade issue or its a limitation which they have fixed in SharePoint latest upgrade :S its really frustrates us. I have faced SharePoint user profile activity application related issues  where finally I had to deploy latest SharePoint update to fix those issues.
This will be a nightmare if you are deploying your SharePoint application on a production machine. When the developed application features not functioning properly it will be a headache until you sort out the issues. It be really good if we have a common guide which we can use to keep our development machine and production environment up to date with latest version of SharePoint upgrades.
Following is a TechNet article i found which we can use to keep our development environment up to date.

This is my first blog post from a tiny device wp7 :) hope post few more detail articles later.


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